Saturday, May 16, 2009

miss me much?

The last time we spoke, I told you I wasn't associated with Baseline Studio. I still stand by that. If you haven't read the comments on the post they sent out declaring their lack of involvement with me, you should read it - it's a good laugh. I'm glad to see people do actually take this as a joke.
Baseline post : "once and for all ... 8 bit city IS NOT US"

Only after I shut down the previous 8-bit blog did I realise how many people actually read 8-bit on a daily basis. In the last few days before the previous blog was shut down we were getting up to 600 hits a day, everyday, whether there was a new post or not. Anyway, my last words among all this boring information is that, these stats pretty much prove that you fuckers are mentally unstable and even though you love to bitch about me and how "crap" this blog is, you still love it and you'd still secretly miss me if I was gone. Ask Andrew Berry, he knows.
we-are-awesome post: The End of an Era. R.I.P

The new 8-bit will be more PC (I admit that some of the things said were unneccessary). But we will still be maintaining the same level of bullshit, the same amount of slating and the same honesty...even if it's not what we going to think tomorrow, it's what we wanted to say today.

Mr. Andrew Berry, be disappointed no more. The "pointless slander" continues.

Please note: This blogs new location will not be advertised widely over the internet. Only a select few members of the public will be notified of the new location so it is therefore up to you to let the city know that we're back in action.
It's just because adverts are like so not cool right now...but, maybe oneday... oneday soon.