Monday, May 18, 2009


So, I clicked onto Richard Cole King's blog just after I typed up that last post to read this charming post about me, along with a nice link to a nice song by a nice band (which I thank him for).
Anyway, the content of the blog went something like this..

So by now you should know that cevron's 8-bit city was lost to the blog reading community of Cape Town late last week. People grieved, people wrote Facebook statuses about it and people made 8-bit a major theme on twitter. But have people actually had a chance to miss cevron yet? Have people been able to move on to better and bigger things? I think not. I hadn't got over the shock of his disappearance yet. People said to me, "You blogged cevron off the internet!" I cringed at the thought of being responsible for such a travesty.

But, to my delight...HE's/SHE's BACK! I used to be offended by him/her, now I realise that's just silly. Shock, horror and disgust is how cevron gets so much attention. Now he or she is back with the 8-bit era. The You/People magazine of the Cape Town music scene is back to satisfy your urge for industry gossip and Scandal, although somewhat less personal. It turns out cevron has a conscience, who would have thought? Alternatively, death threats have reached him/her. Check out

In commemoration of this exciting post (possibly the best of the month!), here is a remix of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs song Heads Will Roll, off the album, It's Blitz, which is new by the way. I like it.

I laughed... alot. As I said I began to notice the rapid increase of viewers toward the end of the last blog, but something just gets me about it... I not only enjoy knowing that people read it but I like to know who these people are aswell (and I'd like to know if there is anything to slate about them and if there is, why I am not doing it). So to find out more I took Richard's hint about Twitter and typed in "8-bit city" into the search engine to see what came up. I was curious. I found all these posts from people I've never heard about in my life and never seen either. I read some of the messages and I have some replies.
Here goes the responses to the posts I've found so far...

"10and5 8-bit city is back over here:" - thanks for spreading the word.

brauteseth was just looking for 8 bit city blog and it's been shut down/ moved / flagged ?" - clearly you're not a regular checker... the sign saying it was going to be moved was up for a while.

johannschwella Damn, 8 bit city Cape Town fashionista insider blog has been removed. Wonder if his/her identity was discovered..." -identity wasn't discovered... "fashionista insider" blog huh? That's almost as charming a comment as Richard's
"The You/People magazine of the Cape Town music scene" comment.

brauteseth @Unodewaal guys behind 8-bit city are Ian and Malcomn skene (a.k.a. grave danger... a.k.a ian from atore next to vida kloof )" - I'm actually glad someone finally accused the Skene's. But no, I'm not either of them. I am not worthy to be accused of being them. Nice try though brauteseth... I however encourage you to keep your mouth shut until you know for sure what the fuck you're talking about.

liliradloff @Unodewaal. 8 bit city is befok! Hahaha!" - Dude, who the fuck is this "Unodewaal" guy and why is he on my case?

Unodewaal must.. find.. out.. who.. is.. behind... 8 bit city... must..." - you... will... never...

@alicegnodde I just saw that Cevron/8bit blog thing today. It's kind of amusing but it's a little mean. You aren't he/her are you?" - The accusations continue... I think I should just allowing a posting list that everyone who has ever been accused of being cevron can attach their name to. It'd be interesting to see I think.

alicegnodde @DamianBurke I love how ppl are accusing each other of being Cevron! This is juicy!" - I'm with her.

And my personal favourite...

"countsabel whoever does 8-bit city ... i wanna have man sex with you! I love you! lets mate!!!! hahahhahah ...
" - Don't go running when I take you up on that offer.


You can send me love mail, hate mail, sexual offers and links to your bands and shit there... oh, and death threats are more than welcome.